Dives 1257-1267

  • Dark Knee Hermit Crab
    Dark Knee Hermit Crab
    Dardanus lagopodes
    Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Double-spined Urchin
    Double-spined Urchin
    Echinothrix calamaris
    Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Dark Knee Hermit Crab
    Dark Knee Hermit Crab
    Dardanus lagopodes
    Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Longhorn Cowfish
    Longhorn Cowfish
    Lactoria cornuta
    Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White-spotted Rabbitfish
    White-spotted Rabbitfish
    Siganus canaliculatus
    Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Upside-down Jelly
    Upside-down Jelly
    Cassiopeia andromeda - with a Magnificent Anemone Shrimp.
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Colorful Hypselodoris
    Colorful Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris infucata
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Hermit Crab
    Unknown Hermit Crab
    Probably a Dardanus species.
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Goby
    Ornate Goby
    Lubrigobius exiguus - with the refuge ascidian, a Polycarpa species that is restricted to Papua New Guinea.
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Goby
    Ornate Goby
    Lubrigobius exiguus - emerging from the Polycarpa species ascidian.
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Shrimpgoby
    Giant Shrimpgoby
    Amblyeleotris fontanesii
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellow-spotted Bandfish
    Yellow-spotted Bandfish
    Acanthocepola breviata
    Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 24, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
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