Dives 1503 - 1513

  • Hard Corals
    Hard Corals
    Acropora clathrata & microphthalma
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Fan
    Sea Fan
    Anthogorgia species
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Fan
    Sea Fan
    Verrucella species
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Forams
    Marginopora vertebralis
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lettuce Coral
    Lettuce Coral
    Merulina scabricula
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Scroll Coral
    Scroll Coral
    Turbinaria reniformis
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Twotone Dartfish
    Twotone Dartfish
    Ptereleotris evides
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redfin Butterflyfish
    Redfin Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon lunulatus
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora gemmifera
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Greensnout Parrotfish
    Greensnout Parrotfish
    Scarus spinus - terminal phase.
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bleeker's Parrotfish
    Bleeker's Parrotfish
    Chlorurus bleekeri - terminal phase.
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Butterflyfish
    Ornate Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon ornatissimus
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Maxima Giant Clam
    Maxima Giant Clam
    Tridacna maxima
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Arc-eye Hawkfish
    Arc-eye Hawkfish
    Parracirrhites arcatus
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora abrotanoides
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Meyer's Butterflyfish
    Meyer's Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon meyeri
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Maxima Giant Clam
    Maxima Giant Clam
    Tridacna maxima - exceptional color.
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackspot Cleaner Wrasse
    Blackspot Cleaner Wrasse
    Labroides pectoralis - terminal phase.
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Maxima Giant Clam
    Maxima Giant Clam
    Tridacna maxima
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora gemmifera
    Leru Bommies, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Whitetip Reef Shark
    Whitetip Reef Shark
    Triaenodon obesus
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • The Cut
    The Cut
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Disc Anemones
    Disc Anemones
    Discosoma species - the Coralline Algae background makes for great contrast.
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White-bonnet Anemonefish
    White-bonnet Anemonefish
    Amphiprion luecokranos
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Carpet Anemone
    Giant Carpet Anemone
    Stichodactyla gigantea - Orangefin & White-Bonnet Anemonefish.
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Hydrozoan
    Unknown Hydrozoan
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Christmas Tree Worms
    Christmas Tree Worms
    Spirobranchus species
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indo-Pacific Sergeant
    Indo-Pacific Sergeant
    Abudefduf vaigiensis
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotfin Lionfish
    Spotfin Lionfish
    Pterois antennata
    Bat Cave, Marulon Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 26, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Radianthus magnifica
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clown Anemonefish
    Clown Anemonefish
    Amphiprion percula
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clown Triggerfish
    Clown Triggerfish
    Balistoides conspicillum
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bignose Unicornfish phase
    Bignose Unicornfish phase
    Naso vlamingi - this coloration is quite often seen at cleaning stations and during courtship.
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pizza Anemone
    Pizza Anemone
    Cryptodendron adhaesivum - Peacock-tail Anemone Shrimp are common in this anemone.
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackfin Barracuda
    Blackfin Barracuda
    Sphyraena qenie
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackfin Barracuda
    Blackfin Barracuda
    Sphyraena qenie
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackfin Barracuda
    Blackfin Barracuda
    Sphyraena qenie
    Rainbow Reef, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Emperor Angelfish
    Emperor Angelfish
    Pomacanthus imperator
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Emperor Angelfish
    Emperor Angelfish
    Pomacanthus imperator
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Slender Cardinalfish
    Slender Cardinalfish
    Rhabdamia gracilis
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hell's Fire Anemone
    Hell's Fire Anemone
    Actinodendron plumosum - very strong sting.
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Beaded Sea Anemone
    Beaded Sea Anemone
    Heteractis aurora - with Clark's Anemonefish.
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fluted Giant Clam
    Fluted Giant Clam
    Tridacna squamosa
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Quoy's Parrotfish
    Quoy's Parrotfish
    Scarus quoyi - terminal phase.
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bleeker's Parrotfish
    Bleeker's Parrotfish
    Chlorurus bleekeri - terminal phase.
    Wreck of the Ann, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • WW II Military Equipment
    WW II Military Equipment
    110 feet down in the channel.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Klyxum species
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Kunie's Goniobranchus
    Kunie's Goniobranchus
    Goniobranchus kuniei
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Zoanthids
    Parazoanthus species - growing on the skeleton of a sea fan.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Fans
    Sea Fans
    Villogorgia species
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • WW II Military Equipment
    WW II Military Equipment
    Encrusted tire.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • WW II Military Equipment
    WW II Military Equipment
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • WW II Military Equipment
    WW II Military Equipment
    Vehicle steering wheel.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eight-banded Butterflyfish
    Eight-banded Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon octofasciatus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redbreasted Wrasse
    Redbreasted Wrasse
    Cheilinus fasciatus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora carduus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Springer's Damsels
    Springer's Damsels
    Chrysiptera springeri
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black Velutinid
    Black Velutinid
    Coriocella nigra
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gold-streaked Shrimpgoby
    Gold-streaked Shrimpgoby
    Ctenogobiops aurocingulus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Estuarine Halfbeak
    Estuarine Halfbeak
    Zenarchopterus dispar - up in the shallows near the mangroves.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Reef Needlefish
    Reef Needlefish
    Strongylura incisa - also in the near shore shallows and mangroves.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mangrove roots & Carnation Coral
    Mangrove roots & Carnation Coral
    Dendronephthya species
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Amphiprion biaculeatus - recently (2021) moved from the Genus Premnas to Amphiprion with all the other anemeonefish.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Springer's Damsels
    Springer's Damsels
    Chrysiptera springeri
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Barred Rabbitfish
    Barred Rabbitfish
    Siganus doliatus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Anchor Tuskfish
    Anchor Tuskfish
    Choerodon anchorago
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Graytail Angelfish
    Graytail Angelfish
    Chaetodontoplus poliourus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redbreasted Wrasse
    Redbreasted Wrasse
    Cheilinus fasciatus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fine-spotted Rabbitfish
    Fine-spotted Rabbitfish
    Siganus punctatissimus - poor quality record photo.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Goldback Damsel
    Goldback Damsel
    Pomacentrus nigromanus
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Springer's Damsel
    Springer's Damsel
    Chrysiptera springeri
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Smith's Damsel
    Smith's Damsel
    Pomacentrus smithi
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pinstriped Wrasse
    Pinstriped Wrasse
    Halichoeres melanurus - initial phase.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Goldhead Damsels
    Goldhead Damsels
    Pomacentrus aurifrons
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redshouldered Wrasse
    Redshouldered Wrasse
    Stethojulis bandanensis - initial phase.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Burrough's Damsel
    Burrough's Damsel
    Pomacentrus burroughi
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Banded Archerfish
    Banded Archerfish
    Toxotes jaculatrix - another shallow water, near shore in mangroves habitat fish.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Orbicular Cardinalfish
    Orbicular Cardinalfish
    Sphaeramia orbicularis - near mangroves in shallow water.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pinstriped Wrasse
    Pinstriped Wrasse
    Halichoeres melanurus - terminal phase.
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue Damsel
    Blue Damsel
    Pomacentrus pavo
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star spawning
    Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star spawning
    Acanthaster planci
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotfin Lionfish
    Spotfin Lionfish
    Pterois antennata
    White Beach, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 27, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Chironephthya species
    Rumalan Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Finger Leather Coral
    Finger Leather Coral
    Sinularia species
    Rumalan Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Siphonogorgia geodeffry
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Humphead Wrasse, Pyramid Butterflyfish, Whitetail Surgeonfish & Twinstripe Fusiliers
    Humphead Wrasse, Pyramid Butterflyfish, Whitetail Surgeonfish & Twinstripe Fusiliers
    Cheilinus undulatus IP, Hemiaurichthys polylepis, Acanthurus thompsoni & Pterocaesio marri
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sponge & Sea Fan
    Sponge & Sea Fan
    Liosina species & Ellisella species
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Fan & Rainbow Runners
    Sea Fan & Rainbow Runners
    Annellla reticulata & Elegatis bipinnulatus
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Radianthus magnifica
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Magnificent Sea Anemone
    Radianthus magnifica
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clown Anemonefish
    Clown Anemonefish
    Amphiprion percula
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clown Anemonefish
    Clown Anemonefish
    Amphiprion percula
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Maxima Giant Clam
    Maxima Giant Clam
    Tridacna maxima
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Butterflyfish
    Ornate Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon ornatissimus
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Pavona clavus
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Pavona clavus - closer look at the polyps.
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Corals
    Hard Corals
    Acropora verweyi & sarmentosa
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Speckled Damsel
    Speckled Damsel
    Pomacentrus bankanensis
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora valida
    Fanagho Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Chironephthya species
    Kisan Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, November 28, 2005
    Larry L. Jackson