Mocking Cliff-chat, maleThamnolaea cinnamomeiventrisBlyde River Canyon, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#1384Larry L. Jackson
Blyde RiverHoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2474Larry L. Jackson
Swadini DamSouth Africans call what we call a lake, a 'dam'.Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2480Larry L. Jackson
Swadini Dam WallHoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2493Larry L. Jackson
Scarlet-chested Sunbird, maleNectarinia senegalensisMoholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#1459Larry L. Jackson
Vultures & StorksThe rehabilitation center feeds scraps, thus the large number of scavenging birds.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2502Larry L. Jackson
Marabou StorkLeptoptilos crumeniferusMoholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2510Larry L. Jackson
Common WarthogPhacochoerus africanus - this orphaned male loves to be scratched.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2524Larry L. Jackson
Cape VultureGyps coprotheresMoholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2548Larry L. Jackson
Vultures & StorksA vigorous rush to get scraps from the rehabilitation centre.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2571Larry L. Jackson
NyalaTragelaphus angasii - male at night.Moholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#2720Larry L. Jackson
Room #4Our roomMoholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#0812Larry L. Jackson
Stu & Debbie at DinnerWe eat and drink well on safari.Moholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 21, 20142014-06-21#0833Larry L. Jackson
Mountain WagtailMotacilla claraMoholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#1526Larry L. Jackson
Mountain WagtailMotacilla claraMoholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#1555Larry L. Jackson
Flat Rock ScorpionHadogenes troglodytes - under UV Light.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2742Larry L. Jackson
Flat Rock ScorpionHadogenes troglodytes - a little UV & backlit red light.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2758Larry L. Jackson
Golden Brown TarantulaAugacephalus sp. - backlit with red light.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2765Larry L. Jackson
Turner's GeckoPachydactylus turneri - latched onto the handler's finger and wouldn't let go.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2785Larry L. Jackson
Veiled ChameleonChamaeleo calyptratus - feeding.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2847Larry L. Jackson
Veiled ChameleonChamaeleo calyptratusKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2884Larry L. Jackson
Eastern Bearded DragonPogona barbata - enjoying the sunshine.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2891Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietans - we were lying on the ground to get photos of this African Puff Adder. Fortunately this is a slow moving snake.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2921Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietans - feeding.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2937Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietansKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2943Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietansKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2976Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietans - just about finished getting the mouse down.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#2985Larry L. Jackson
African Puff AdderBitis arietansKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3007Larry L. Jackson
Giant Plated LizardGerrhosaurus validusKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3013Larry L. Jackson
Giant Plated LizardsGerrhosaurus validus - eating a Hibiscus flower.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3020Larry L. Jackson
BoomslangDispholidus typus - has a very potent, slow acting venom of the hemotoxin type.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3030Larry L. Jackson
BoomslangDispholidus typus - the common name means 'tree snake' in Afrikaans.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3047Larry L. Jackson
Common Green MambaDendroaspis angusticeps - has a fast acting, very powerful venom that is a neurotoxin. A single bite is sufficient to kill several people.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3070Larry L. Jackson
Common Green MambaDendroaspis angusticepsKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3074Larry L. Jackson
Common Green MambaDendroaspis angusticepsKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3078Larry L. Jackson
Common Green MambaDendroaspis angusticeps - pretty but deadly.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3083Larry L. Jackson
Black MambaDendroaspis polylepis - a very long snake, able to grow to nearly 10 feet long.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3097Larry L. Jackson
Black MambaDendroaspis polylepis - fast moving and capable of striking at considerable distance.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3104Larry L. Jackson
Black MambaDendroaspis polylepis - the venom is fast acting and a dendrotoxin causing collapse in 45 minutes and death if untreated in 7 to 15 hours.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3119Larry L. Jackson
Black MambaDendroaspis polylepisKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3127Larry L. Jackson
LJax & Cobra toyPreparing for the actual Cobra, though I had no intention of holding one.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3137Larry L. Jackson
Common OstrichStruthio camelus, maleKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3142Larry L. Jackson
Snouted CobraNaja annulifera - photographed lying down at a safe distance.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3164Larry L. Jackson
Snouted CobraNaja annuliferaKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3177Larry L. Jackson
Snouted CobraNaja annulifera - reacting to shadow movement nearby.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3185Larry L. Jackson
Golden Brown TarantulaAugacephalus specie - enjoying some sunshine.Khamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3328Larry L. Jackson
Golden Brown TarantulaAugacephalus specieKhamai Reptile Center, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3343Larry L. Jackson
NyalaTragelaphus angasii - female & juvenile at night.Moholoholo Forest Camp, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 22, 20142014-06-22#3354Larry L. Jackson
LJax & Cape VultureGyps coprotheres - they let us put on the glove and hold some food to see just how heavy this large bird is.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 20142014-06-23#3378Larry L. Jackson
White RhinocerosCeratotherium simum - orphaned, being raised here.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 20142014-06-23#3411Larry L. Jackson